High Grade Hemp Seed and Common Ground: Brands in Action Series

In this special series, we’re highlighting companies who are answering the call of their communities around the world. Whether in coordinated efforts with like-minded organizations or working individually to do their part, these brands are using their resources to support others.
Cannabusiness has evolved into a thriving industry from production to distribution. As tension and uncertainty rise in our collective circumstances, the demand for CBD products increases. Like other companies shifting focus, these brands have found ways to help those affected by the global pandemic using their own unique resources and influence.
High Grade Hemp Seed
The world of agriculture has broadened with the development and proliferation of hemp — specialist farms have seen widespread popularity and demand. High Grade Hemp Seed is supporting hemp farmers and their dedication to scientific development, particularly in genetics and germination, with the goal of creating opportunity for agriculturists. As CEO of High Grade Hemp Seed Bodhi Urban explains, “High Grade is helping the hemp industry move forward so farmers can come back strong after this pandemic.”
In their efforts to continue building the hemp industry after 2020 event cancellations, they have created hempTALKS — an online hub of webinars, podcasts, community discussions and more, hempTALKS aims to continually move the business and production of hemp forward in spite of gathering restrictions as a result of COVID-19.
Common Ground
CBD brands are not only changing the way consumers perceive hemp, but also exploring its multitude of capabilities. By combining the efforts of scientists, sleep therapists, holistic specialist MDs and more, Common Ground has created a line of high quality CBD products.
When met with a global health pandemic, Common Ground saw their opportunity to bring relief to those in need. Through their Giving Back Program, they are hoping to fill the gap for those perpetually waiting for treatment from their healthcare programs. Each month they will be selecting a recipient from a pool of submitted nominees to receive a Common Ground CBC kit. Those struggling to access CBD products who are covered by Medicaid, Medicare, TRICARE or a VA health care program can email the company directly at info@commonground-cbd.com to receive discount options.
For more information on their efforts and how you can get involved, visit the websites above.
By Hailey Hess